Total alkalinity powder, also known as alkalinity increaser or alkalinity booster, is a chemical product used to raise the total alkalinity level of pool water. Total alkalinity refers to the measure of alkaline substances, primarily bicarbonates, in the water.
Maintaining the proper total alkalinity level in a pool is important for water balance and stability. Total alkalinity acts as a buffer, helping to stabilize the pH level and prevent rapid pH fluctuations. It also contributes to the overall water chemistry and can affect the efficiency of sanitizers like chlorine.
Total alkalinity powder is typically composed of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or sodium carbonate compounds. These compounds raise the alkalinity level when added to the pool water.
The process of using total alkalinity powder involves the following steps:
It's important to note that adding total alkalinity powder may also impact the pH level of the pool water, so it's recommended to retest and adjust the pH as needed after adjusting the alkalinity.
Regular monitoring and maintenance of total alkalinity, along with pH and other water chemistry parameters, help ensure proper water balance and optimal pool conditions.